Rules for inviting your wedding guests

You are cordially invited to our wedding!

wedding guest list

How does that sounds to you when it’s your wedding? Finally, the day had arrived when I will be bonded to a life partner.The institution of marriage looks like a big whole responsibility, doesn’t it? The union of two families means the union of two cultures irrespective of whether they are same or not, our family has its own rules and protocols defined.And that eventually involves your wedding guests.So it is very important to consider sensitive points while inviting your wedding guests.Wedding guests are the group of people which includes your friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues and your loved ones.So are you ready to make your wedding guest list.

wedding guest list

Wedding Invitations are sensitive to every guest, so you should make sure they are highly obliged to get the invite in prior and with proper arrangements so that the invite make them happy rather than hurting them. Will you go to a wedding where the wedding card reaches you one day before? what will first come in your mind “Are we not on their priority list? We have other plans”.

Invites our guests will like

Invites in advance:- It indicates that you are primarily important to them, and that is why you are inviting them in advance

Personal invites are more preferable:- You personally invite them they will be delighted by your presence.

You or the head of the family goes to invite, it could be good social gathering:- A social gathering is good for health.

Make sure you give them importance:- All the guests need this thing which is your personal attention, I know it’s hard to manage, but that what our guests love.

Invites our guests wouldn’t like

Late Invites:- Do not ever invite your guest at the end moment, it signals that you almost forgot them and later realized to invite.

Telephonic Invites:- Telephonic invites are less time-consuming but more invite disturbing, it indicates you don’t care about your guests presence.

Rude invites:- Rude can be anything right from late invite to invite single member of the family.

Just an Invite:- Invite with no excitement and no smile is just an invite, nobody would like just an invite.

I hope this would help you understand how you should invite your wedding guests, Happy Inviting!

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